Modern design

11 Mar

Up-to-date, novel and innovative ideas are the requests of clients for NOITHATQA. With a small area of only 65m2 - 2 bedrooms, River Panorama apartment in District 7 - HCMC designed by NOITHATQA in the most modern, simple and gentle style. This makes the living space become more spacious.

The hardest part of the apartment is to keep the main color of the completed apartment (gray) but use other colors to highlight the apartment. The main color gamut of the apartment selected by QA includes 3 main colors: Italian white, light gray combined with brown. These are the colors that are combined with each other from cabinets, beds, tables and chairs.. bringing a sense of comfort, relax and luxury.

The subtlety of the design using the entire wooden wall instead of the monotonous white painted walls gives the space a very "luxurious" good looking but still retains a youthful modernity, showing the owner’s "personality".
